Saturday, November 30, 2019

Case Write-Up The Investment Detective Essay Essay Example

?Case Write-Up: The Investment Detective Essay Paper Case Summary The intent of this instance is to go a capital budgeting analyst and measure which set of free hard currency flows for 8 undertakings will ensue in the most effectual investing for a firm’s capital. The nonsubjective given is to rank the four best that the company should accept. The instance is broken down into three separate stairss including the given information about estimated hard currency flows ( influxs A ; escapes ) , finding the appropriate price reduction rate, and measuring the hard currency flows utilizing the IRR ( Internal Rate of Return ) , MIRR ( Modified Internal Rate of Return ) , NPV ( Net Present Value ) , and other prosodies. Each undertaking is chosen entirely on the footing of the quantitative analysis. Here are some factors to see for this instance: Each undertaking has the same initial investing of $ 2 million ; in add-on, all are believed to be of the same hazard category. The directors have determined that undertakings 7 and 8 are reciprocally sole. The issue is that the WACC has neer been officially estimated and in the past the price reduction rate has been assumed at 10 per centum ( nevertheless, certain officers have asserted the price reduction rate to be higher ) . We will write a custom essay sample on ?Case Write-Up: The Investment Detective Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on ?Case Write-Up: The Investment Detective Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on ?Case Write-Up: The Investment Detective Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Ranking Undertakings Ranking undertakings merely through the review of hard currency flows is unequal due to the clip value of money and cost of capital of companies ; the lone piece of information that can be derived from looking at the hard currency flows is the sum of clip it would take to be paid back ( regular payback period ) . There are several capital budgeting tools that can be used, including IRR, MIRR, and NPV. These three can be used to see if a undertaking exceeds the expected rate of return or the cost of capital for a company. We besides refer to payback, discounted payback period, and a profitableness index to assist help the decision-making procedure for which undertakings should get down to get down. In add-on, qualitative factors must be considered for any undertaking given outside of this instance, to cover the bases and have successful execution. A company could happen that holding a negative NPV is acceptable due to the critical nature of the undertaking. Experimenting in new markets to place possible favourable concerns should be taken into consideration. Finally, hard currency flows are estimated in most undertakings so a consideration has to be made for the quality of appraisal. Therein lies one of the critical issues in capital budgeting ; that there is a border of mistake in the computation of hard currency flows, whereas in the illustration above, the border of mistake ( typically larger with unsure results ) could intend there would be a positive NPV for that critical undertaking. Typically, NPV is the first pick for finding the puting worthiness of a specific undertaking ; NPV, determined by the amount of discounted hard currency flows compared against the cost of the investing. NPV allows anyone to see how much value above the initial investing. MIRR, would be the following best pick, as it is measures profitableness of a undertaking as a per centum ( IRR does this every bit good ) . The ground MIRR is of higher significance is it has the excess portion of presuming hard currency flows being reinvested at the WACC rate ; to boot MIRR eliminates the job of IRR holding two possible rates. Quantitative Ranking Methods We ranked each undertaking by the assorted methods stated above. Below, in Exhibit 1, are the prosodies ranked by highest sum or per centum, except for payback and discounted payback periods which are ranked from low to high, meaning the shortest sum of clip that the initial investing is recovered. The reply to find which undertaking is best to put in is dependent on the variables and demands that direction deems necessary, intending the qualitative content that is auxiliary to the hard currency flow informations. Typically, houses will make up ones mind to put on the undertaking that produces the highest NPV, and for this instance if we are to rank by NPV, undertaking # 3 is the clear victor. Ranking by profitableness index gives the same reply for each undertaking figure ( it is indirectly related to NPV through the amount of discounted hard currency flow benefits ) . However when we look at the other values for undertaking # 3, it is lower down the order. This is a consequence of the lone hard currency flow being in the last ( 15th ) twelvemonth ; due to the clip value of money, this lowers the IRR and MIRR well, and evidently the payback period is the longest of all the undertakings. The following comfortable undertaking based off of NPV but besides ranked 2nd highest for IRR, MIRR, and PI, is project # 4. At first glimpse, when sing the two reciprocally sole undertakings: undertaking # 7 and # 8, the NPV and PI for undertaking # 8 is higher, while the IRR and MIRR are higher for undertaking # 7. Additionally the payback and discounted payback periods are shorter for undertaking # 7. This presents a quandary in which it appears project # 8 should be selected, yet # 7 seems to be more favourable overall. There is a continuity of this quandary as the hard currency flow watercourses are unequal for each undertaking. To work out for this issue, we used a replacing concatenation analysis to find which undertaking between the two is the best investing determination. Below, in Exhibit 2, is an analysis of each undertaking utilizing replacing chaining. We excluded the last hard currency flow of $ 70 at T15, because for undertaking # 8’s last hard currency flow is after 7 old ages ( undertaking # 7’s last hard currency flow is after 5 old ages ) , so we repeated that to T14. As shown above, when utilizing the replacing concatenation method, we can see the alteration in end products when the hard currency flows are repeated through clip. The determination between each undertaking is now much clearer one time the hard currency flows are repeated to the same* time-frame. Project # 7 is the distinct investing determination when make up ones minding between those two undertakings. Alternate Courses of Action There are ever legion ways to see a job and make up ones mind how to respond. The investor could take any of the above mentioned methods ( NPV, IRR, MIRR, payback, discounted payback, or Probability Index ) to take an investing undertaking. Due to the common exclusivity of undertakings # 7 and # 8, the investor can take whatever standards method deemed most important. Other factors for consideration include the project’s suggesting manager’s path record for success, the suggesting manager’s assurance in the undertaking, the timing of the project’s hard currency flows, the project’s ability to protect market portion, or the proposing division’s path record of success. Recommendation Based on these options, and the antecedently detailed analysis, we recommend that the undertaking be selected based on the NPV ranking shown in Exhibit 1. With reciprocally sole undertakings, struggles may originate in taking between utilizing the NPV, IRR, and MIRR. In this instance, the NPV is the best pick for choice because it chooses the undertaking that maximizes value for the house. If directors are interested in the expected rate of return on the undertaking, the MIRR or IRR will be more likely to show the rates that are really earned if the project’s hard currency flows are reinvested in future undertakings, but this should be auxiliary to the NPV during the determination procedure.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Grow Baking Soda Crystals

How to Grow Baking Soda Crystals Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate crystals tend to be small and white. Sometimes they can look a little like frost or icing when grown on a string. Heres how you grow baking soda crystals yourself: Materials Baking sodaWaterClean jar or glassStringWeight (e.g., paperclip)Pencil or butter knife (to hold the string over the glass) Prepare the Container You want to hang the string in the glass or jar so that it doesnt touch the sides or bottom of the container. Tie the string to the pencil or knife, weight it so it will hang straight, and adjust the length of the string so that it doesnt touch the bottom of the container. Prepare the Solution Mix as much baking soda as you can into just-boiled water. For 1 cup of water, this is approximately 7 teaspoons of baking soda. Add the baking soda a little at a time, stirring between additions, because carbon dioxide gas will be evolved, causing the solution to bubble initially. Alternatively, heat baking soda and cool water until it is near-boiling. Allow the solution to sit undisturbed for a few moments to allow any undissolved baking soda to sink to the bottom of the cup. Grow Baking Soda Crystals Pour the baking soda solution into the container. Avoid getting undissolved baking soda in the glass.You may wish to cover the container with a coffee filter or paper towel to keep the solution clean while permitting evaporation.Allow the crystals to grow as long as you like. If you start to see a lot of crystal growth on the sides of the container rather than on your string, pour the remaining solution into a new container. Transfer your string to the new container to get better growth.When you are satisfied with your crystals, you can remove them from the solution and allow them to dry.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Discover the Benefits of Whole Class Instruction

Discover the Benefits of Whole Class Instruction Whole group instruction is direct instruction using traditional textbooks or supplemental materials with minimal differentiation in either content or assessment. It is sometimes referred to as whole class instruction. It is typically provided through teacher-led direct instruction. The teacher provides the entire class with the same lesson regardless of where any particular student is. The lessons are typically designed to reach the average student in the classroom. The Teaching Process Teachers evaluate understanding throughout the lesson. They may reteach certain concepts when it appears that many students in the class do not understand them. The teacher will likely provide student learning activities designed to practice new skills, and that will also build on previously learned skills. In addition, whole group instruction is a great opportunity to review previously learned skills to help a student maintain their proficiency in using them. Whole group instruction is easy to plan for. It takes a lot more time to plan for a small group or individual instruction than it does for an entire group. Addressing the whole group takes one plan, where addressing small groups of students takes multiple plans or approaches. The key to planning for whole group instruction is two part. First, the teacher must develop a lesson that engages students throughout the entirety of a lesson.  Second, the teacher must be able to teach the concepts in such a way that the majority of the class grasp the information that is being presented.  Doing these two things helps decrease the amount of time needed for reteaching and/or small group instruction. The First Step in a System Whole group instruction is a terrific tool for introducing new material. Introducing concepts in a whole group setting gives the teacher the opportunity to present the basic material to every student at once. Many students will pick up these new concepts through whole group instruction, particularly if the lessons are dynamic and engaging. Trying to introduce a new concept in a small group setting is both cumbersome and repetitive.  Whole group instruction ensures that every student is exposed to key concepts and new information on a particular topic. It should, however, serve a first step in the learning process. Whole group instruction helps determine a baseline for learning and assessment. Within any class, there are going to be students who pick up new concepts quickly and those who take a little more time. Teachers utilize the information gained from whole group instruction to plan for the future. Teachers must conduct both informal and formal assessments as they move throughout a whole group lesson. If the teacher is receiving little to no feedback from students when questions are posed, the teacher probably needs to go back and try a different approach.  When a majority of the class seems to have grasped a topic, the teacher should then beg to focus on strategic small group or individual instruction. Whole group instruction is most effective when it is immediately followed by small group instruction. Any teacher who does not see value in both whole group and small group instruction is limiting their effectiveness. Whole group instruction should occur first, for many of the reasons discussed above, but it should immediately be followed with small group instruction.  Small group instruction helps solidify the concepts learned in the whole group setting, allows the teacher identify struggling students, and take another approach with them to help them master the content.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Text analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Text analysis - Article Example Even though the writer knows that balancing the job requirements and family attention can be challenging, she instinctively insists upon going on with the dream of making a positive impact on the society as a whole. She even vows to be role model to her daughter and that explains how dedicated and passionate she is towards dream of making positive impact on people’s life. Although the writer is the central character in the story and we can learn more about her, the introduction of Lana (the patient) seems to gives much in depth information about the whole scenario (Ehrenhaft and George, 56). The writer gives a brief description about herself and that is critical in giving insight into her inspirations to become a nurse. The writer seems to be motivated more by the events that happen in her life. She quotes â€Å"That statement solidified my purpose of positively contributing to society, positively influencing people’s life, and being the best nurse I can be. I know that I need to take my career to the next level†.This essay is so appealing to the audience. The setting is such that it is easy to understand the main theme of the essay (Ehrenhaft and George, 78). From the essay, a person can be easily convinced that social responsibility is something that needs to be implemented for the wellbeing of the society. The transition from one point of argument to the other in the essay is splendid. The writer offers her argument in a more open and detailed manner. She first, describes herself then she talks about the family and finally she talks about her job and he r relationship with the patients. She also talks about how that relationship has helped her make a positive impact in somebody’s life. The most interesting part of the essay is the fact that the writer acknowledges that you can make an impact on somebody’s life despite your economic,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Examining the Effect of Societal Inequities Coursework

Examining the Effect of Societal Inequities - Coursework Example In the Pulaski County Special School District, there have been efforts at reforming institutions to minimize racial inequalities in the field of education. Reduction in the inequalities has so many challenges because; the causes are deeply rooted in the culture and history of the overall American society (Nieto, 1997). Many factors lead to the existence of educational inequalities in the Pulaski County Special School District. The historical factors identify that the relationship between white residents of America and the colored people in America, lead to social inequalities (Banks, 1997). The enslavement effect of the African Americans ensured that their children do not access quality education for many generations. Though slavery was abolished; the racial stigma is still currently felt, even within our education system. Latinos have also been continuously shut out of societal education opportunities in all levels. American Indians endured enforcement in missionary schools which forced their assimilation into the white culture. Family background is another source of inequalities in our education system (Nieto, 1997). There is a positive correlation in the parents’ academic success, and the children’s academic success. In the Pulaski County Special School District and specifically on a case study conducted on Murrell Taylor Elementary School; it has been established that family background is the most influential determinant of students’ academic achievements. In general, the white students tend to come from homes with high literacy levels; this is in contrast to the minority families. Therefore, children from white families receive adequate support on educational resources and success. Educated families usually have higher incomes; this enables them to access the best schools in Pulaski County Special School District. Cultural perceptions and knowledge in the family backgrounds

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Case of the Sole Remaining Supplier Essay Example for Free

The Case of the Sole Remaining Supplier Essay With advances in technology always come skepticism, fears, and doubts. But when the new technology in question is designed to address a very sensitive issue—like human life—it becomes even more of a challenge. However, the challenge is not the development of the technology itself, but in the ethics that surround it. As it would become today, the pacemaker is a true gift to those whose hearts cannot function properly on their own, and it allows people suffering from such a condition to enjoy life a little more. But problems arise when complications and deaths due to failures become apparent. However, it absolutely does not qualify as a reason to stop supporting pacemaker manufacturers altogether.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two problems to be addressed.   First, as mentioned in the case, most members of the board of the transistor-making company outsourced by the pacemaker company want to pull out, because they are afraid to be recipients of blame if more deaths occur due to the pacemakers. This is a classic example of conflict of interest—the board, rather than help the development of the pacemaker, wishes instead to wash their hands of any future mishaps that might occur due to faulty products. Without even going into the problem of the technology itself, this action is already an ethical violation when it comes to business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another problem is that the members of the board fail to realize that by not helping the pacemaker company, one of two things can happen: either pacemaker production grinds to a halt—at the expense of people who need them—or the pacemaker company, in desperation, might hire a sub-par company to manufacture transistors, or they start manufacturing it themselves; either decision will not improve the quality of the pacemakers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the answer to the question of â€Å"what would you do?† is a definite â€Å"yes†, the chairman should look at all the possible, yet ethical and just, options. The case mentions that the chairman himself feels that the specs being used by the pacemaker company to test the transistors is faulty. It would be a good start to let the pacemaker company know about this, so that they may do something about it. If they improve the speculations and become able to properly test the transistors, then the board might start worrying less about failure rates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The chairman could also try to persuade the pacemaker company to invest in further research and development, citing the failures that have occurred in the past, before making the devices available to the public. It might cost more for the pacemaker company, but it will be beneficial in the long run for both companies and for patients. Once the pacemaker company perfects their product, the transistor company can supply them once again with the necessary part.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The above suggestions, however, are not guaranteed ways to solve the situation. If all else fails and the transistor company’s board wishes to continue serving their own best interests first, then the chair should leave the company as a last resort, on the grounds of bad business ethics, if he wishes to remain in good moral standing. Then, if he wishes, he can create a new company, one whose members are willing to contribute to the progress of technology without doubts. Otherwise, he can join the pacemaker company, hire new employees, and produce transistors from within the pacemaker company itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Life-sustaining and sensitive technologies, such as the pacemaker, may present some difficulties during its infant years, but everyone has to learn from mistakes. The pacemaker company has been irresponsible for using such low specs, and the transistor company’s board is being selfish and cowardly. This is why the chairman should not stop producing transistors for the pacemaker company, but he must do so while addressing the issues of both companies using the suggestions stated above. References â€Å"The Case of the Sole Remaining Supplier.†

Thursday, November 14, 2019

John Steinbecks Grapes of Wrath :: essays research papers

Grapes of Wrath Author: John Steinbeck, Robert Demott (Introduction). Penguin USA; New York. Reissued Edition (Oct. 1992). 619 Pages. Kearney 1 The Grapes of Wrath is a novel by John Steinbeck that exposes the desperate conditions under which the migratory farming families of America during the 1930's lived, through a personal approach and heavy symbolism. The novel tells of one family's migration west to California through the great economic depression of the 1930's. The bank took possession of their land because the owners could not pay off their loan. The novel shows how the Joad family deals with moving to California, and how they survive the cruelty of the landowners that took advantage of them, their poverty, and willingness to work. The Grapes of Wrath combines Steinbeck’s adoration of the land, his passionate hatred for corruption; resulting from materialism (money), and his abiding faith in the common people to overcome the hostile environment. As it opens with a retaining picture of nature on rampage, the novel shows the men and women that are unbroken by nature. The theme is that of a man verses a hostile environment. His body may be destroyed, but his spirit is not broken. The method used to develop the theme of the novel is through the use of symbolism. There are several uses of symbols in the novel from the turtle at the beginning to the rain at the end. As each symbol is presented, examples of the good and the bad things that exist within the novel are shown. The opening chapter paints a vivid picture of the situation facing the drought-stricken farmers of Oklahoma. Dust is described as covering everything, smothering the life out of anything that wants to grow. The dust is symbolic of the erosion of the lives of the people. The dust is synonymous with "deadness", as Steinbeck puts it.. The land is a ruined way of life (farming), people Kearney 2 uprooted and forced to leave. Secondly, the dust stands for profiteering banks in the background that squeeze the life out the land as the people are actually forced from their land. The soil, or the people (farmers), have been drained of life and are exploited: The last rain fell on the red and gray country of Oklahoma in early May. The weeds became dark green to protect themselves from the sun's unyielding rays. The wind grew stronger, uprooting the weakened corn, and the air became so filled with dust that the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Economical Analysis Essay

In this section, an economical analysis will be carried out to compare the generation cost of electricity from two different sources. The generation cost of electricity ($/kWh) from PV system as well as gas turbine will be considered. The computation for cost of electricity – irrespective of the source – depends on several factors such as the cost of capital, the productivity and the life of the plant as well as the fuel and operation and maintenance costs. Renewable sources have distinct characteristic of eliminating fuel cost and, as a consequence once the plant is setup, the energy costs are largely fixed and inflation has a slight affect. However, productivity is highly dependent on the site or location; hence the cost of energy cannot be uniquely defined. Generation of electricity by burning fossil fuels incurs elements of costs, which conventionally are not directly attributed to these processes. These costs are termed â€Å"External â€Å" costs. They originate, for example, in subsidies such as additionally provided infrastructure and Research and Development and environmental pollution. In contrast, renewable energy technologies incur marginal external costs. Generation costs may simply be evaluated as follows: G = C R + f + m E where G is the unit cost of energy ($/kWh) C is the initial capital cost ($) R is the annual charge rate (%) E is the annual energy yield (kWh/kW) f is the fuel cost per unit ($/kWh) m is the operation and maintenance cost per unit ($/kWh) The capital recovery factor varies according to the period over which the capital is to be recovered, n years, and the test discount rate, r, thus R = r / (1-(1+r) –n) The cost of electricity from a particular source of supply is therefore dependent upon the particular combination of value of these variables. Table (2) estimates the cost of kWh production from PV systems and Gas Turbine unit. To calculate the generation cost of the Gas Turbine, we assumed 25 years of unit’s lifetime, 8% discount rate, and the unit will operate at its rated power for 8 hours for 9 months a year (2,160 hrs). On the other hand, the generation cost of the PV cells was estimated using PV arrays with panels facing south (Tilt angle 25o), the yearly estimated generated energy was about 1964 kWh/m2/yr and the panel cost of $5/Wp. The calculations indicated that under the assumed rates of interest and capital cost the unit generation cost using PV cells is more than three folds the generation cost of the Gas Turbine. A sensitivity analysis was carried out by varying installation capital cost, and discount rate, Table (1). The results indicate that PV generation can be competitive to that from Gas Turbine when the capital cost drops to $2/Wp and at 8% interest level. The capital cost of PV generation is 30% higher than that of a gas turbine system for the specified parameters. This is contributed to the high installation cost of the PV system and the low conversion efficiency. Further sensitivity analysis of some parameters, namely, conversion efficiency and installation cost were carried out. The results are illustrated in table (2). The results suggested that a reduction of installation cost to 4 $/Wp the generation cost can be competitive to that of a gas turbine. Concluding that: 1. The mathematical modeling indicate that the optimum tilt angle for a plane facing south is 25oC in the State of Qatar, and the year average total daily radiation was a bout 5. 295 kWh/m2. day for 25oC compared to 5. 062 kWh/m2. day for a horizontal surface. 2. Using a photovoltaic system can be more expensive than buying power from the local utility, through the electrical outlet in your wall. However, it is dramatically less expensive than running a power line to a remote area that is currently with out service. 3. Finance rate and loan term are critical economic elements because photovoltaic is capital intensive. The formation of solar bank that makes capital readily available for solar energy systems and below market interest rates with more than 20 years terms should be pursued. 4. The basic economical evaluation of electricity generation in the State of Qatar suggests that photovoltaic technology is not far from being economically feasible. The advanced technology and wide market demand of photovoltaic systems result in improved conversion efficiency and lower unit cost. However, it should be emphasized that photovoltaic systems are clean source of energy and their positive impact on the environment should be taken into consideration. PV systems produce power intermittently because they work only when the sun is shining. More electricity is produced on a clear, sunny day with more intense sunlight and with a more direct light angle, as when the sun is perpendicular to the surface of the PV modules. Cloudy days can significantly reduce output, and of course no power is produced at night. PV systems work best during summer months when the sun is higher in the sky and the days are longer. Because of these variations, it is difficult for PV systems to furnish all the power you need, and are typically used in conjunction with utility-supplied electricity Renewable Resources In 1987, a United Nations commission chaired by Gro Harlem Brundtland, the then Norwegian Prime Minister, was formed to determine how to reconcile economic development with environmental protection. The term ‘sustainable development’ was first used in the commissions’ report, Our Common Future. The report recognized that renewable energy sources are essential for sustainable development because they provide us with constant sources of energy with fewer effects on the environment. It also identified that globally, there was the need for more efficient use of energy and that the industrialized world, especially, had to improve its conservation efforts to lessen the impact of economic development on the environment. Renewable energy sources have been used for centuries. Until the mid-1800s, most of our energy came from two biomass sources, wood and peat. The location of many large plants and mills during the industrial era in Europe and North America was determined by the availability of fast flowing streams to generate power. It was not until the latter stages of the Industrial Revolution, the mid-1850s, and following the widespread incorporation of the steam-engine into factories, that fossil fuel use, mainly coal and oil, became commonplace. By incorporating fossil fuels into the manufacturing process instead of using water, industrialists were not limited to locations by rivers or streams. Plants could be located closer to sources of raw materials, markets or major shipping ports Renewable energy sources has been constantly being sought upon to replace dwindling fossil fuel reserves. The main question is where to look for these renewable energy sources. Some of them, like biomass, have already begun to contribute significantly to power generation in several developed nations like the US. Photvoltaic cells are economically viable in some locations and wind energy, though so far contributing only a tiny fraction, is rapidly expanding in the US and several European nations. The search for renewable energy sources points to photovoltaics, wind, solar thermal electricity, and biomass-produced electricity. These are highly prized due to the ease at which electricity can be transported and converted into othe forms, with the none or low polluting energy that these bestow and because of the potential that these sources may contribute in the near future. The earth’s atmosphere acts like glass in a greenhouse: sunlight can pass through, but the resulting heat cannot escape. Gases, such as carbon dioxide, are particularly effective at trapping heat. When burned, coal, oil and natural gas increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the earth’s average temperature is raised. Renewable energy initiatives will result in reduced demand for fossil-fuelled electricity generation, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions These renewable sources once proven to be technically practical and economically feasible to provide required quantities of power, then there is no doubt that they would be greatly preferrable replace existing energy generation methods. An energy source can be classified as renewable provided the passed the following criterias: 1. there should be and indefinite supply or at least can be harnessed for an extreme length of time. 2. there would be a great reduction in the world pollution. Or at least the pollution released by the manufacturing and generation of power using these resources would not add up to current contributors to pollution. 3. and lastly, the must be able to provide energy self-sufficiency or at the very least provide a great reduction in the energy dependency.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Caveman Wanderer

Mr.. Swell Press Pause Play The demagnification of technology Is truly transforming the way we take a look at things. When the first computer was invented in February of 1946, who would have known how Innovated it would have come to be. We live in an age where It is close to impossible to put your phone down. The revolution of technology is at the peak and Is constantly getting better. By the end of 2014 there will be eye glasses that make It easier to view things In a digital standpoint.Artists have transformed the world In every aspect. They have changed and inspired the world in a musical and video aspect. With that being said, Press Pause Play is a great film because it shows the opinion of artists and their take on how technology has revolutionized the world. The film also shows the contradiction between the artists as well. The demagnification of technology is showing the world how to communicate, share, and combine the works as one. Communication is the biggest key when It com es to today's world of digitization.In the time before the 20th century the way people communicated was by messengers. The mail sometimes took months to get delivered and was often times axed up and unrecognized. In our time, in order to communicate, we use our phones to do so. Nowadays, it takes seconds depending on our broadband connection to send messages. There are many diverse types of communication. People communicate through music, videos, pictures, and even personal experience. Artists can communicate through music by genre and having a feel of how it is being played.Another way is by having a connection with someone while it is being played. In addition to communicating through music, artists link through videos too. One example of videos are Youth. People have shared millions of videos through Youth and is continuously going up every day. Youth gives a chance for amateur artists to get known. This also means that there is competition now because the unprofessional artists are teaming up showing that they can converse their art lust as well as the professionals.Communication also occurs through picture. This one app on smoothness titled Mainstream has really allowed people to post pictures of just about everything. The best about that is, anyone can see it. It is an amazing way to communicate and it to get your photos viral for professionals to see it. The next aspect of the demagnification of technology Is sharing. Sharing happens In a few ways such as, video games and music. Sharing takes place through video games by gaming producers sharing their ideas with one another.For example, the game Call of Duty Modern Warfare was produced by Infinity Ward in 2007. It was an amazing game and sold millions of copies because of It. This caused another company called Tetrarch to create a series of Call of Duty. In order for the success of these two gaming companies to succeed, they need to share ideas so it can cause an 1 OFF f the biggest ways it actually tak es place is through music production. There are many programs out for public use that anyone can use. Let's say a rookie to a platform named Fruity Loops wanted to start making beats.Where would he/she get the instruments and sound kits from? This is where sharing takes place. Many artists make their own sounds and publish them on the internet. Sharing is constantly occurring and gives anyone the chance to combine technology and innovate it. This leads up to the last aspect of the demagnification of technology. The last aspect of the demagnification of technology is combination. Combination plays a role in technology because combination lets artists chain their work together and make something they never thought they could have.It allows artists to open up their minds and use all three aspects of technology; communication, sharing, and combination. Combination gives artists something to look forward to as well. They can look forward to it because there is an infinite amount of ideas and can always come up with something original and creative. So, with all this being said, how is the demagnification of technology affecting the way people create and share their work? Technology is moving the way people create ND share their work in a few ways.Artists share their work through social media and that is a huge reason on why the demagnification of technology is so advanced. Artists also create their work by using online resources and taking advantage of what the internet has to offer. One way is getting through to the audience. The world and the people are the audience. Artists are creating their work by getting an opinion of the audience. Artists run trials of their artwork and have the world try it out. Technology is constantly changing and without the use of it and the three aspects, we would have no clue on what would be going on.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pasaporte Para Viajar a EEUU en Casos Doble Ciudadanía

Pasaporte Para Viajar a EEUU en Casos Doble Ciudadanà ­a Frecuentemente, las personas con doble ciudadanà ­a se preguntan si pueden ingresar sin visa a Estados Unidos por turismo o negocios utilizando el pasaporte que es de un paà ­s incluido en el listado del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas, aunque no residen habitualmente en dicho paà ­s. La respuesta es sà ­, aunque deben conocerse las excepciones y cundo pueden surgir los problemas.   Ventajas e inconvenientes de viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos Los ciudadanos de 38 paà ­ses, entre los que se encuentran Chile y Espaà ±a, pueden ingresar a los Estados Unidos sin visa. Si llegan por avià ³n de là ­nea regular o barco deben antes de volar una autorizacià ³n que se conoce como ESTA. Una ventaja evidente de viajar sin visa es que la ESTA es mucho ms econà ³mica. En el momento de escribir este articulo el costo de la ESTA es de $14 frente a $160 de la visa B1/B2, cuyo precio final puede ser incluso superior para algunos paà ­ses, en aplicacià ³n de acuerdos de reciprocidad. Otra ventaja econà ³mica es que en caso de negacià ³n, se recuperan $10 en el caso de la ESTA, por lo cual el coste total es de $4. Por el contrario, si no es aprobada la solicitud de la visa de turista o negocios o la combinada de ambas, el solicitante no recupera nada. En otras palabras, pierde los $160 dà ³lares. Otro de los atractivos de viajar sin visa es que se evita tener que acudir a la entrevista en persona al consulado o Embajada, lo cual ahorra sin duda tiempo y en muchos casos tambià ©n nervios. En cuanto al tiempo, en la actualidad este problema es incluso mayor porque son numerosos los consulados en los que se necesita acudir con anterioridad a la entrevista a un Centro de Apoyo al Solicitante por el asunto de los datos biomà ©tricos, es decir, huellas digitales y fotografà ­a. Pero cuando se compara viajar con visa o sin visa, tambià ©n hay inconvenientes para este à ºltimo caso. Como regla general, si se ingresa a Estados Unidos con visa de turista se recibe una autorizacià ³n de 180 dà ­as, es decir, 6 meses. Ese plazo es el ms comà ºn, aunque puede ser inferior si asà ­ lo decide un oficial de migracià ³n. El plazo autorizado est reflejado en el documento que se conoce como I-94. Por el contrario, si se viaja con visa el tiempo mximo de estancia en Estados Unidos es de 90 dà ­as, ni uno ms. Otra gran diferencia es que si se ingresa con visa es posible solicitar una extensià ³n de la estancia y tambià ©n un cambio de visa, por ejemplo, de turista a estudiante. Sin embargo, si se ingresa a Estados Unidos sin visa no es posible alargar el  plazo de 90 de ninguna de las maneras. En otras palabras, la ley no contempla la peticià ³n de extensià ³n o de cambio a otra visa no inmigrante. Es imposible. Por lo tanto hay que salir del paà ­s antes de cumplir los 90 dà ­as de presencia.  Adems, es recomendable evitar juegos como salir a Mà ©xico, Bahamas o Canad y regresar con la idea de obtener asà ­ otros 90 dà ­as. Lo cierto es que en estos casos se regresa no con un nuevo plazo, sino con los dà ­as que quedasen del anterior. Incluso hay que tener en cuenta que se est jugando con fuego en los casos de salida al paà ­s de origen o cuando se viaja a paà ­ses adyacentes como Mà ©xico y Canad y se fuerza al là ­mite el plazo de los 90 dà ­as antes de salir de tal manera que ya no hay dà ­as restantes en el primer plazo cuando se regresa y se quiere obtener un nuevo trimestre. Puede suceder que el oficial de migracià ³n considere que se est viviendo en Estados Unidos, sospeche que se est trabajando o estudiando sin visa, etc. lo cual llevarà ­a a que se prohà ­ba el ingreso al paà ­s e incluso acabar con el castigo de una expulsià ³n inmediata.  ¿Viajar con un pasaporte o con los dos? Esta es una pregunta muy comà ºn entre las personas con doble ciudadanà ­a que deciden ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa. La respuesta no es à ºnica y se ilustra mejor con casos especificos. Por ejemplo, en el caso de un argentino que vive en Argentina pero que tiene tambià ©n pasaporte italiano deberà ­a viajar con sus dos pasaportes. Asà ­, saldrà ­a de Argentina con el de ese paà ­s pero mostrarà ­a ya allà ­ el italiano para que le permitan embarcar. Al ingresar y tambià ©n al salir de Estados Unidos. Al llegar a Argentina, mostrarà ­a ese pasaporte para entrar a su paà ­s. Otro ejemplo distinto es el de, por ejemplo, un argentino que reside habitualmente en Italia y tiene tambià ©n pasaporte de ese paà ­s. En este caso, utilizarà ­a solamente el pasaporte italiano. Quà © problemas pueden surgir al llegar al control migratorio de los Estados Unidos En principio, los problemas potenciales son los mismos si se viajan con visa o sin visa. Ninguna de las dos situaciones garantiza el ingreso. Lo que importa es que la persona que quiere ingresar como turista tiene que ser considerada como elegible y admisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Si se considera que reà ºne tal cualidad, no hay problema. De hecho, son miles las personas con doble ciudadanà ­a que deciden viajar sin visa y nunca han tenido problemas. En otras palabras, el problema no es la visa o la no visa, sino si se cumplen los requisitos para ingresar o no. En este punto decir que hay noticias que apuntan a que se les ha negado el ingreso en repetidas ocasiones a dominicanos que viajan a Estados Unidos recià ©n adquieren la ciudadanà ­a de un paà ­s incluido en el listado de los Paà ­ses con Exencià ³n de Visado (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). No es que no puedan viajar, es que por la razà ³n que sea puede haber levantado sospechas de que su intencià ³n es quedarse en los Estados Unidos. Si se tiene duda, la opcià ³n es olvidarse de viajar sin visa y solicitar una B1/B2.   Finalmente decir en relacià ³n a este punto de los posibles problemas que pueden encontrar  los cubanos para embarcar sin visa en un vuelo hacia Estados Unidos. Lo cierto es que miles de cubanos embarcan e ingresan sin ningà ºn problema. Pero no es menos cierto que se les puede impedir incluso embarcar si se sospecha que su intencià ³n es quedarse en Estados Unidos y pedir que se les aplique la Ley de Ajuste Cubano una vez que estn allà ­. Excepciones a viajar sin visa en los casos de doble ciudadanà ­a En determinadas ocasiones no es posible que las personas con doble ciudadanà ­a decidan que prefieren viajar sin visa y deben solicitar la visa si es que quieren viajar como turistas a los Estados Unidos. Entre otras situaciones destacan las siguientes: Cuando previamente le han negado una visa, aunque la solicitaran con otro pasaporte. La visa se le negà ³ a la persona, no al pasaporte y las autoridades migratorias saben que se trata de la misma persona al cotejar las huellas digitales que se dieron al solicitar la visa con las que se toman en el punto de ingreso a Estados Unidos (puerto, aeropuerto o paso terrestre fronterizo). Otra situacià ³n que pide por solicitar la visa es cuando previamente una persona ha tenido una visa americana y à ©sta ha sido cancelada. Otro caso es cuando se ha visitado anteriormente Estados Unidos y el visitante se ha quedado ms tiempo del autorizado.   Finalmente, todos los casos en los que ha habido en el pasado situaciones problemticas, como violaciones migratorias, deportaciones, expulsiones inmediatas, etc. Otras situaciones de doble ciudadanà ­a o nacionalidad Estados Unidos, por regla general, no tiene ningà ºn problema con la doble ciudadanà ­a, tambià ©n conocida como doble nacionalidad. Esto es asà ­ en el caso de extranjeros que pueden utilizar el pasaporte que deseen, como se ha explicado en este artà ­culo, pero tambià ©n en otros como para aplicar por visas limitadas a ciertos paà ­ses como es el caso de la visa de inversià ³n E-2. Asà ­,por ejemplo, un venezolano no puede beneficiarse de esa visa pero si cuenta con otro pasaporte como puede ser el de Colombia, Espaà ±a, Portugal, etc, puede solicitarla. Pero tambià ©n es el caso de sus propios ciudadanos. Estados Unidos admite la doble nacionalidad y casi no impone là ­mites a esta situacià ³n. De interà ©s para turistas en Estados Unidos La mejor forma de evitar problemas migratorios, tanto si se ingresa con visa o con ESTA, es cumplir con la ley, por lo que se recomienda tomar este test para conocer aspectos fundamentales. El caso especial de Canad Como regla general, los ciudadanos de Canad no necesitan ni visa ni ESTA para ingresar a Estados Unidos como turistas y el permiso de estancia es por 6 meses.   Esto aplica a los canadienses que tambià ©n son ciudadanos de otro paà ­s, es decir, a los casos de doble ciudadanà ­a. Sin embargo, no aplica a los extranjeros que tienen residencia en Canad. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

13 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book This Year

13 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book This Year 13 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book This Year Deciding to write a book is analogous to the decision to become a parent. You can weigh the pros and cons and read all the expert books on parenting.You’ll try to decide whether you’re emotionally, financially, and physically ready to take the plunge. But until you become a parent, you’ll never know how amazing, enriching, and challenging your life could be.Once you become a parent, you know that your life will never be the same. These same concepts apply to becoming an author. Until you’ve ushered new creative life into the world you have no idea the incredible, myriad of ways writing a book can better your life and even your business.You’ll ask yourself why you waited so long to make it happen. We’re here to tell you that you should write a book, and you should do it this year. If not now, then when?Here are 12 reasons why this is the year you’ll write your book.NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the wri ting, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it here#1 You are a writer (you just need to write)Listen, everyone can be a writer. Each one of us has a story to share. In fact, most of us have more than one story to share.he simple truth is that in order to be a writer, you just need to write. And to become an author, you just need to publish what you write.At Self-Publishing School, we’re here to tell you that both of these worthy goals are within your reach. You just need to start- today.#2 You’ll discover who you are.By it’s very nature, writing is an introspective, thoughtful activity. The process of writing a book will force you to turn your thoughts inward. Through writing, you’ll gain perspective about what really matters to you. Writing a book will also teach you about the unique value of your own willpower.The simple act of committing to a writing project, and seeing it through, will measure the de pths of your discipline. Writing a book can be a powerful way to get in touch with your thoughts, values, and motivations.Plus, writing is cheaper than therapy!#3 You’ll have created a professional-quality, ready-to-sell book.It used to be that only writers with a publishing deal or those who paid for vanity publication ever got to see their books in print. Those days have changed.Thanks to the rise of self-publishing, any person with a story to tell can become a published author and sell their book. Self-publishing is now affordable, easy to implement, and requires only basic computer skills.If you can type your book on your keyboard, you can figure out how to self-publish. As your own publisher, you call the shots. You’re the CEO of your own destiny.Even better, you get to retain more of the royalties if you self-publish. What’s not to like? Even better, you get to retain more of the royalties if you self-publish. What’s not to like?#4 You’ll p ocket a healthy chunk of change. The brilliant ideas you have kicking around in your head aren’t earning you any money. Only once you commit those ideas to paper and hit publish will you earn income from your thoughts.Your book can earn you a stream of passive income simply by existing. And then there’s the future- audiobooks, courses based on your book, and speaking gigs! And, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You can make money off your self-published book- but you need to write it first.#5 You’ll let Amazon do the heavy lifting. Amazon self-publishing is easier than ever. Amazon makes it intuitive and straightforward for authors to upload and sell their books.They’ve also made it easy for readers to find and buy your book. It’s a win-win.That’s not to say that you can set up an Amazon page and let it flap in the breeze untended. In order to sell your book, you’ll need to do some marketing and PR.The good news is that Amaz on gives you the tools and resources you need to succeed.#6 You’ll embrace the mantra, â€Å"nobody lives forever.†Nobody’s getting out of this life alive. Our time here is finite. It’s our choice how we want to spend our time. If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, don’t wait for a life crisis to force your hand.The time is now.You have a chance to share your words, thoughts, and passions with the world. Don’t let that chance slip through your fingers.#7 You’ll reignite a passion.Each one of us has a passion for something- whether that’s rock-climbing, organic cooking, or comedic storytelling.What’s your passion? You already know the answer to that question.Here’s our next question: When’s the last time you stoked that passion? If that answer is, â€Å"you can’t remember† or, â€Å"it’s been years,† then youve got some work to do.You owe it to yourself to explore your passion and write a book. We promise that when you’re writing about something you love, it won’t feel like work.#8 You’ll be a pro author. Only 1% of the world’s population ever publishes a book.That’s a heady statistic. By writing a book, you set yourself apart from the masses. Even if your book is fiction or a memoir, the fact that you’re now an author lends an air of authority to your professional endeavors.You can now add â€Å"author† to your CV, LinkedIn, and professional website. In short: No matter what you write a book about, becoming a published author boosts your professional authority.You’ll have accomplished something few other people have. Our preemptive greeting: Welcome to the Author Club!We guarantee you’ll like the rarified air up here.#9 You’ll tackle a new challenge. Life has so many obligations- taxes, school pick-up, miles on the treadmill- it can be easy to fall into a daily rut. Writing a book is leaving your comfort zone.Trying something unfamiliar can be scary- we get it. But, that’s precisely why it’s exciting. The only way you grow as a person is by forcing yourself to leave your comfort zone. Time to jump off the cliff- write a book and become an author this year.You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll gain by pushing the limits of your own self-imposed boundaries.#10 You’ll become smarter.Writing a book requires research. No matter what topic you’re writing about, you’re going to have to research new concepts and topics.By opening the door to new ideas, you’ll educate yourself on a broad array of ideas. You’ll be invigorated by how much you learn while youre writing, and emerge much brighter for having done so.And when you’re done, you can assert yourself as an expert in your field. Your book can then open the door for speaking engagements, conference presentations, and other professional netwo rking opportunities.#11 You’ll stop making excuses and just do it.We know, we know, you’ve been mulling over the idea of writing a book for months (years?) now. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article.How long are you going to give yourself permission to keep quashing your dreams?It’s time to commit and just do it.#12 Because you can!And you will! No more excuses. You can’t afford to put off writing a book any longer. All that counts is that you get your first word on paper, and then a word after that.Before you know it, you’ll have a completed first draft. Think about how amazing you’ll feel? Don’t put it off another day. Write your book today. This is the year for you to finally become an author. Are you FINALLY ready to take action?The only difference between an author and anyone else is the fact that they wrote the book. They started.And you can start TODAY.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Certain groups in society are more crime prone than others. Critically Essay

Certain groups in society are more crime prone than others. Critically discuss how social inequality might contribute to crime amongst these populations - Essay Example Social inequality should obviously contribute to the crime ranking. However, it is important to understand in what way it affects the society and groups. There exist two major approaches to the reasons making people commit a crime. Both of them are based on the concept of human nature. We all are supposed to be born with ‘inherent potentials and abilities’ that ‘interact with environmental influences to produce behaviour, some of which is considered criminal’ (Wiebe 2004). Why do some people violate the norms and laws of the society? What is more responsible for the anti-social behaviour – external, objective circumstances or our in-born inclinations? The XIX-XX centuries are notable for paying extreme attention to environment as the major shaper of an individual’s behaviour, sometimes even ignoring predispositions. These views must have spread due to socialists’ ideology. Radical environmentalism treats human nature as one consisting of "vague and consequently plastic predispositions" that constitute "the indeterminate material that the social factor melds and forms" (Durkheim, 1895/1962, pp. 105-106, In Wiebe 2004). Another radical wing of scientists keeps to the theories based on classical view of human nature, concepts developed by Hobbes and his contemporaries. The human is seen as a creature seeking ‘immediate gratification of selfish desires’ ready to ‘commit crimes in pursuit of this gratification’, which occurs ‘at the expense of the legitimate rights of others, undermining group interests’. In order to defend its interests the group may either teach its members self-control or simply limit opportunities to satisfy impulses (In Wiebe 2004). Besides, these two theories, there exist a variety of others. Strain theory teaches that people commit crime when they are blocked from their legitimate opportunities to attain the desirable goals, which are determined by the dominant culture.